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Welcome to the dog breeding website

Here you will find some information about the breed, our dogs and breeding plans. Dogs in their pedigrees have the best breeding lines of the US and Europe. At the moment we are working with breeders from different countries. We cordially invite you to our website.

For more information about our dogs:

dulsinea2 coco9 eastwind2
Mł Ch Pl. Ch Pl. Ch Sł. ICh DULSINEA ESTRELLA ROJA Nil World FCI Mł Ch Pl. Ch Pl. COCO MADMUAZEL ABI Nil World FCI Mł Ch Pl. Ch Pl. EAST WIND FROM TIBET Nil World FCI - hodowca shar pei, hodowla shar pei, shar pei, shar pei champion, reproduktor wystawy shar pei, szczenięta shar pei, reproduktor shar pei i wystawy shar pei